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Delayed or cancelled flight? We pay you the compensation

You're 3 minutes away from getting paid for your flight 100% guaranteed

Quick and easy process

All airlines and countries

No financial risk

Getting your compensation in 3 steps

Fill out the Form

Fill out the Form

Provide your flight details and the reason for your claim through our simple online form

We Analyze Your Case

We Analyze Your Case

Our experts review your case and determine the viability of your claim based on current regulations

Receive Your Compensation

Receive Your Compensation

We pay you your potential compensation immediately, without waiting or complications

We are the only ones who guarantee your money 100% - we tell you in less than 3 minutes.

The first to pay you. You get paid within 48h - find out how much you can win.

Only we have 100% satisfied customers

We can't give you back your time, but we can give you back your money.

Money back

Why Choose WingWin?

Other Options

  • Complex Process

    Filing a claim on your own means dealing with bureaucracy and tedious paperwork

  • Long Waiting Times

    Most claims take months to resolve, delaying your compensation

  • Limited Knowledge

    Airline regulations are complicated and hard to interpret without experience

  • Uncertainty

    Airlines often reject valid claims, especially without expert intervention

  • Hidden Costs

    Some companies charge unclear fees, significantly reducing your final compensation

With Us

  • Immediate Payment

    We pay you your potential compensation immediately, with no waiting or uncertainty

  • Simple Process

    You only need to fill out a simple form, and we handle the rest

  • No Risk

    You receive guaranteed payment regardless of the final claim outcome, you win no matter what

  • Guarantee

    As soon as we verify that the information is correct, we proceed with your payment

  • Total Transparency

    Complete transparency in payment, what we offer is what we pay

How We Help You

Discover how our efficient and transparent process ensures you receive your flight compensation quickly and without hassle

Simple Process

Simple Process

Fill out the form in less than 3 minutes and our team takes care of the rest, making everything hassle-free

Fast Evaluation

Fast Evaluation

We quickly assess your case to determine the viability of your claim, ensuring you a fast and accurate response

Instant Payment

Instant Payment

We pay you your potential compensation immediately, providing you liquidity without long waits

Guaranteed Security

Guaranteed Security

We ensure a clear and secure process, protecting your personal data and keeping you informed at all times